Incident at Vichy
By Arthur Miller, directed by Luke Hatton
While a group of Frenchmen wait in a Nazi detention center to discover their fate, myriad points of view emerge as to man's responsibility in the face of catastrophe and whether or not it's better to just do nothing.
March 2005
In the press
Critic's Choice
"...the company's lean, muscular approach is exciting to the point of breathtaking..."
- Kelly Kleiman, Chicago Reader
Highly Recommended
"[a] well acted, absorbing drama"
- Tom Williams,
"...a squad of muscular players carry their weighty issues with heroic dignity and unaffected grace."
- Mary Shen Barnidge, Windy City Times
Artistic Team
Tony Adams
Alex Gillmor
Peter Moore
John Wilson
Roger Ainsle
Brad Akin
James Allen
Andrew Behling
Rob Biesenbach
Steve Emily
Jonathan Edwards
Peter Esposito
Kevin Gladish
Alex Gualino
Sean Neely
Paul David Popp
Director: Luke Hatton
Scenic Design: John Wilson
Lighting Design: Tony Adams
Stage Manager: Jonathan Nininger